Saturday, April 19, 2008

Strange things are afoot

Over the last couple of weeks, stuff has been disappearing from my apartment - first a bottle of steak sauce, then the remote control to my fan, and now a shot glass. The only logical reason can be that my apartment walls are inhabited by a tiny race of thieving ninja monkeys.

Bastards. I wonder if mouse traps will solve the problem.


Tracy Lynn said...

Silly boy. That's what arsenic is for.

Enemy of the Republic said...

It's your spirit guides--most likely demons.

Anonymous said...

Sorry. I'll send back the shot glass. And I have one of your green socks.I'll send that back too.

Adrianne said...

Spoons and diapers would always disappear out of my house. Along with socks. Apparently there was a habit I wasn't aware of in my household.

You are asking us if mouse traps work for this. Aren't you the King of getting even. Maybe your funny wit....

The remote is madness and whoever misplaced it should have to pay!!!!

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Make sure you use humane mouse traps though. It'll keep the little bastards alive until you can torture them and find out what they did with your stuff. :)

Tai said...

Maybe they're doing shots of steak sauce? For that alone they deserve their horrible fate. Whatever that may be.

Monogram Queen said...

Oh dear either that or you've got a japanese poltergeist!

Circe said...

Did they also happen to take my OBX glass??? I'm concerned that you have things disappearing now too. Be sure and check if mine shows up when you do discover the whereabouts of those missing items...

Grant said...

tracy - they're not getting any of my good arsenic.

enemy - my demons have always been friendly and helpful.

metalmom - good - I need the green sock to complete my Leprechaun outfit.

ssc - yes, without the remote I have to actually get out of bed to turn the fan on or off. I wasn't cut out for this life of hardship.

pq - I'm having a tiny iron maiden built for my first capture.

tai - I can see doing shots of ranch dressing, but steak sauce would just be plain weird.

patti - I wonder if it's female and cute. If so, I'll ask it out.

circe - they're all probably in the alternate dimension that sucks socks out of the dryer.

Leesa said...

I have a sock disappearing problem. I imagine whatever causes this problem is more common that the critters you have in your house.

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Aluguel de Computadores, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Kira said...

...look, you have to go to work sooner or later, and I've found a way to roam the apartment outside of the cage and slip back in later...

Oopsie. I didn't mean to post that.

Deb said...

Dammit Grant, I'll replace your shot glass. Sorry.

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Damn! That tiny race of thieving ninja monkeys mut've kidnapped Grant!!! He's disappeared!

Joe said...

I hope that's not the case. You know how insane they get after they've been doing shots of steak sauce all day.

Adrianne said...

And,,,, not to mention the comments from my blog