Thursday, February 21, 2008


Blogging will be light and sporadic over the next week or so. Every day I have a meeting with diseased people in a small room, and then I work late into the evening, try not to get sick despite a lack of exercise and a diet that consists largely of Mountain Dew and stuff that leaves orange powder on my fingers, and then I go home and get a little sleep and come back early for a repeat. Since I have nothing to say, I'll just post a pic of cute Japanese schoolgirls and get back to work.


Evil, out.


Joe said...

I know the feeling. erm...being busy I mean. Not hanging out with diseased people.

Circe said...

Well those gals are darn cute. Not that I'm turned on or anything. Just stating a fact here. :P

Gib said...

Just tell me that room they're in isn't your basement or anything.

Leesa said...

Maybe the orange powder has something to do with diseased people. Just saying . . .

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Substitute coffee in place of Mountain Dew and chocolate residue instead of orange residue and that would describe me to a T.

Except that whole "staying late" thing. I will come into the office at the crack of dawn but I HATE staying late. When 4:30 gets here, I'm GONE.

Get some rest, will ya?

Kerry said...

I'm tired of you working all the time! Tell them no. You have writing to do.

Have fun. Switch to diet coke.

Deb said...

GAWD, why does this line up of Asian women remind me of that suicide train Youtube clip you traumatized me with???


Grant said...

joe - yesterday the conference room smelled like vomit. I'm hoping to escape today before I succumb to the germ warfare.

circe - I know people who will pay money to see you make out with them - me, for instance.

gib - they're auditioning for the starring role in my new play called "Trapped in a walk-in closet that's been converted to a cage for Japanese Hotbunnies." It's an off-Broadway thing.

leesa - doritos increase my killing power.

pq - will do on the rest. I'm the opposite - I hate coming in early, but I can work to midnight if they don't germ me up.

kerry - bleah. I know this is the home of Coke, but Mountain Dew rulz!

~deb - moments after the photo was taken, they all jumped in front of a moving train. I ate the entrails. You should totally check out the Youtube SC musical number I posted a few days ago - I promise, no mass suicides there.

Monogram Queen said...

You've been busy.... i've been sick! What a week.

Adrianne said...

Your a freak and I love it!!! I love it.

Spider Girl said...

I hear cheezies and pop is the new Breakfast of Champions.

Grant said...

patti - I have an idea! Let's start over on Monday!

ssc - thank you.

spider-girl - I prefer Mountain Dew and Doritos, being the suave kind of guy I am.