Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Kiddie Porn

Okay, let’s see how many hits that title generates. :p

I was surfing CNN for some blogging inspiration when I happened upon my old pal, the Catholic church. It seems they’re still sodomizing their younger members. What a surprise. The latest twist is that they’re now warehousing them in Alaska.

I remember when the papal pederasts were getting the media attention they so richly deserved, several of the priests indicted had molested the children starting at age seven. I don’t know how they picked that age, except that seven is a magic number in the xtian religion. The question that strikes me is “How do you view a seven year old child as a sexual being?” Or am I being too judgmental not having walked a mile on their knees?

“She walks towards me, each whispering step a promise of passion. The moonlight shines on her silky hair and cascades down it like a tide of pearls. Her Underoos ™ fall to the floor…”

Okay, that blows it for me. I guess that’s why I’ll never realize my dream of becoming the first openly homicidal Catholic priest.


annush said...

hmmm...that would be interesting to have you as a priest...

i don't know if you remember that case some 11-12 years ago about this guy who raped a 6 year old girl and in court had the nerve to say that because she was such a flirty child she "led him on" and was "sking for it". Some people are just fuckign sick and should burn in hell.

sands of time said...

Amazing how it goes on so often in the church.Must be the innocence thing for the priests.Having something untainted.

Weary Hag said...

Back at the old church I grew up in, there was this priest who absolutely ADORED all the little boys and girls - till we reached puberty, then he had no use for us whatsoever and in fact, he seemingly detested us. I wonder if that's cuz he figured we were finally old enough to tell on his rat bastard ass.

Noooo... I've never been assaulted. But there were so strangely quiet and demure kids in my class - altar boys were prime game.

Libélula said...

That just disgusts me…and they have the nerve to call US sinners!!!

Valkyrie said...

The question that strikes me is “How do you view a seven year old child as a sexual being?” Or am I being too judgmental not having walked a mile on their knees?

That act is all about taking power, not about sexual feelings.