Hi there! I wouldn't dust off this thing except that it was hugged out of me by CMGD, a SAHM (not to be confused with SARS) who recently turned a new age (the pretty one). We celebrated her decrepitude over tortillas, which was nice. There's nothing much new to report here. I am now unemployed, my lower left leg is discolored and bleeds a lot, I'm in the process of discarding my possessions so I can move to Seattle (aka Bunnyland), I drive a white '95 Taurus, I'm in love with a Wiffle Hutt waitress who looks like Julia Stiles without the bitchy overtones, my eyesight is fading, I like 90's sitcoms, and I have trouble stringing two coherent sentences together. Why don't fish have beanbag furniture? A pizza. And which is better: bouncy or boingy? Also, I no longer personally hate every person alive.
And here is Tracy's web site because I can't count the three times people have asked me for it recently: http://www.kaplyinc.com/
I am absolutely more joyous than I should be to see this post, thank you ♥
About fucking time.
Bout damn time. It's not like you have anything else to do, slacker.
Well, shit. Now I'm going to have to man up and write a post, too. Fuck.
WOO HOO! Lunch with you was teh awesome. :) It was great seeing you! Next time, it will be my treat at that Japanese joint you spoke of. Domo arigato!
Well, well, well. Wouldja lookee here. I love me some CMGD too. She's the shizzle.
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