Wednesday, February 08, 2012

And then that happened

Hi there! I wouldn't dust off this thing except that it was hugged out of me by CMGD, a SAHM (not to be confused with SARS) who recently turned a new age (the pretty one). We celebrated her decrepitude over tortillas, which was nice. There's nothing much new to report here. I am now unemployed, my lower left leg is discolored and bleeds a lot, I'm in the process of discarding my possessions so I can move to Seattle (aka Bunnyland), I drive a white '95 Taurus, I'm in love with a Wiffle Hutt waitress who looks like Julia Stiles without the bitchy overtones, my eyesight is fading, I like 90's sitcoms, and I have trouble stringing two coherent sentences together. Why don't fish have beanbag furniture? A pizza. And which is better: bouncy or boingy? Also, I no longer personally hate every person alive.

And here is Tracy's web site because I can't count the three times people have asked me for it recently:


Caerlyss said...

I am absolutely more joyous than I should be to see this post, thank you ♥

Avitable said...

About fucking time.

Tracy Lynn said...

Bout damn time. It's not like you have anything else to do, slacker.

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

Well, shit. Now I'm going to have to man up and write a post, too. Fuck.

WOO HOO! Lunch with you was teh awesome. :) It was great seeing you! Next time, it will be my treat at that Japanese joint you spoke of. Domo arigato!

metalmom said...

Well, well, well. Wouldja lookee here. I love me some CMGD too. She's the shizzle.