Tuesday, September 01, 2009
And now I'm one of the cool kids
Because I have gmail. Microsoft carried out their threat to cancel my access to Hotmail via the Outlooks (cretaceous versions), so I converted (praise Jebus / Buddha / Satan / Zeus / Loki / Ra / whoever else I missed). My new e-mail address is granvillem2@gmail.com. I was trying for something like grant@gmail.com, grant2, grantm2, etc., but every name I tried was taken. I almost broke down and went with grantm2howmanygoogleusershavemynameisthisenoughfoxtrotuniformmongolianclusterfuckhaveIcreatedauniqueidyethowaboutnowhuhHuhHUH@gmail.com, but I thought some of you lazy pigs would get tired of typing that, so I just used my full first name and viola! I have e-mail again. Gmail has a much better web interface, making the Outlooks truly obsolete. Now I use Google blogger, reader, and e-mail. I may try Google Chrome just to complete the package. And then I will rely on them completely, just in time for them to go bankrupt and be forced to sell all my data to North Korea as the world is destroyed by Giant Atomic Chickens™, in accordance with Satanic prophecy.
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I have to say I'm disappointed. Only your true friends would take the time to type in an enormous address like that... and you'd probably get less spam too! You took the easy way out for your email address. But I guess I can't condemn you. I'm a lazy b@stard, so I would've done the same.
I, for one, would welcome our new Giant Atomic Chicken overlords.
Why not bunnylord2U@gmail.com?
Yea, I think you got them all...Stupid Microsoft, but I am being redundant.
On the other hand, i would have just cut and paste like I do everything else, no biggy.
Congrats! You got a gmail account just in time for it to go down most of the day. Well, not everybody's. Mine worked all day, but lots and lots of people have been bitching that their gmail was down.
You can still use that long ass name. Just join twitter and replace "google" with "twitter." Of course, that would take up a big chunk of your 140 character limit.
Seriously if I get gmail then I get no hotmail?? Are you teasing? I have never pondered gmail due to everyone having my hotmail. Annoying to switch emails. I have had my private one forever!!!
The great thign about gmail is you can get it to work with a desktop client like Thunderbird, on your mobile so if you don't like the interface you have options.
Oh BTW the site was down for a few minutes today!
So we get 2 days with no bunny and one day with a duck? WTF?
Martini - time has taught me not to test my friends to find out which ones will stick around.
tiff - I knew it. They got to you, didn't they?
Enemy of the Republic - most people found my posting as Bunnylord too creepy, and I would hate to scare away a bunny with my e-mail addy.
Whitemist - now I got all Google stuff just in time for them to go down.
Jay - mine wouldn't work with any browser (including Chrome) for several hours, but ironically it still worked with MS's Live Mail.
Hit 40 - I got gmail because I didn't like Hotmail's changes. It no longer works with the versions of Outlook and Outlook Express I have, plus I think their web interface is lousy. Google is definitely more impressive there.
SJ - more than a few minutes, but at least not as bad as the last time they went down. They still seem more reliable than my ISP.
April - it's the icon of the Giant Atomic Chickens™, not a duck. And tomorrow is the latest installment of SACRSFSDDBBBBBT, which guarantees bunny. You should join the movement.
I'd type it in ONCE and then hit "save" to my address book. :P
I just need to figure out how to get my freaking computers to open up into my preferred email account!!!
Hotmail was never impressive to me but I do have an account or 2 with them for places that request my email to register. this cuts down on spam. Gmail works nice for me. I switched over a few years back from Yahoo and never looked back.
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