Saturday, June 27, 2009


For the forseeable future I'll be either at work, at the hospital, or at home in bed trying to recover from the first two. When I return to regular blogging, hopefully some of you will have something to talk about other than Michael Jackson, which includes those of you with nothing better to blog than how sick you are of hearing about Michael Jackson. I myself am already sick of hearing about people saying they are sick of hearing about him, which puts me ahead of the curve.

My 5 year blogiversary will be coming in about a week, and I'll try to do something special for it, such as posting a picture of a hot Asian woman. To tide you over in the meantime, here is yet another picture of my new #2 favorite Japanese model, Sora Aoi, aka Boobie Bunny.



Captain Dumbass said...

Five years? Wow. More bunnies please!

Unknown said...

Best of luck the H & W!
Hope they don't wear you out!

Real Live Lesbian said...

Feel better, G!

She's a lovely bunny.

Unknown said...

Burn that hospital down but only after your stay. Good luck.

Avitable said...

She's been so airbrushed you can't even see what she actually looks like!

Enemy of the Republic said...

Yes, life forced me into a blogging break. Of course, when I return, life takes you out of the blogosphere. I hear the bunnies weeping.

Jay said...

That girl almost doesn't look real. She looks like she could be one of those Real Dolls or a wax figure or something.

Grant said...

cda - they're on the way.

whitemist - they're trying, but I plan to eventually escape their clutches.

rll - I agree - she's my new 2nd favorite J-model.

sj - that's a good idea. Everyone forced to go to a better hospital after that one burns should give me a dollar.

avitable - blasphemy! You just don't appreciate the beauty that is bunny.

eotr - I'll be back eventually.

jay - that's a sex doll I would actually buy.

Hit 40 said...

Goof ball!!! I gave you an award yesterday. MR. NO ONE LOVES ME!!!!!! Go back to see. You can pick a different one if you want. Or screw it since it is not a pic of a hot asian woman.

April said...

Well I hope that you start feeling better soon!

Hit 40 said...

WTF!!! No comment back for me!!! Bad bunny karma for you!!!


Kerry said...

okay... well I hope you are taking care of yourself and get back to bloggin' soon!

Grant said...

hit 40 - I only accept awards that involve hot Asian women.

april - I've been sick for over 13 months, so I don't foresee a quick recovery anytime soon.

hit 40 - here's your second comment response today, you blog nazi. :p

kerry - I and several hospitals are currently taking care of me.

Unknown said...

What if I blog about Ed McMahon?