Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy VD

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone, by which I mean all people who, like me, are utterly and extremely alone and are doubly reminded of that fact on this capitalist pig Hallmark holiday. If you are one of those sickening pukes who has a significant other, then I hope you die suddenly of a lingering disease. And not a cute disease either - I mean something nasty like facial gout or anal leprosy.

Seriously - die. Die in the name of Satan. Or Odin or the Zombie Jebus. I don't care. Just die.

Tune in tomorrow when my hatred has slackened to its normal level (death star).


Anonymous said...

So YOU are the reason I woke up looking like this! I also thought I only had a 'roid flare-up.You are evil,dude! I take back my wish for your Asian girl!

Avitable said...

Facial gouts are nasty? I love mine. I call him Federico.

Joe said...

Happy VD? Is there such a thing?

Monogram Queen said...

Oh Grant now I must come to Atlanta and attempt to kick your ass because of these horrid postules on my face. Damn you to heaven!

Kira said...

Gee, thanks Grant! Love you too darling ;)

Grant said...

metalmom - when the Asian girl arrives, I will remove the curse.

avitable - Federico sounds like the perfect scapegoat for flatulance.

joe - well, at least it's fun to contract.

patti - come on down (or up). We can all go out for Thai food.

kira - ordinarily I support your marriage, but today I don't want to hear about how wonderful your husband is. *puke*

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...
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Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Wow...someone woke up on the wrong side of the altar this morning, didn't they? (Well, technically that would've been yesterday I'm with it...;)

Yes, I am one of those sickening pukes you speak of...but The PK and I find V Day a vile day too.

Hate me a little less now? ;)

Leesa said...

Well, I came back to see a post about friendship, love, and Odin's wrath. Odin has wrath, doesn't he? He sounds like he doles it out by the Gokstad ship-ful.

Deb said...

And you think it's all chocolates, roses and sex with couples? Try buying chocolates thongs for your significant other just in order to 'get some'...

*bites on ice*

Grant said...

pq - post pics of the new hair and I'll withdraw the Voodou curse on you.

leesa - Odin is one of the old godds, so he's all about the wrath. No touchy-feely new-aged stuff there.

~deb - I plan to dole out the chocolate thongs in place of standard tips at all the Asian restaurants from now on. I hope the dude at the Thai place understands.

Adrianne said...

Happy VD to you!!!