Tuesday, August 03, 2004


Seeing this done by so many others, I've decided to make an assessment of my online contacts:

Ash: Funny and only moderately obsessive, I love starting my day with your latest post.
BabyPengy: You are totally insane and I fear meeting you in a dark alley. I mean that in a good way.
Blark: The demon who lives in my sock drawer, you have driven me to my greatest heights and lowest canyons. Fortunately you only exist inside my head, so I can safely say you suck.
Connie: My muse, without whom I would have never blogged in the first place. I'll leave it up to you to decide whether or not that's a good thing.
Grant: you are my god, all-knowing without ever being exasperating or preaching about the coming of the Giant Atomic Chickens - oh, wait. That's me. Nevermind.
Heidi: Colorful without color, normal but never boring. Rock On!
Lor: Funny despite (or because of) your rapid mood swings, you leave me in awe of your artistic capability. May you never go offline.

If I have offended anyone, it's because somebody knocked me unconscious and posted in my stead.

1 comment:

Snaggletooth said...

You're such a good judge of character!! I feel honored by your assesment!