Friday, April 15, 2011

I'm starting a death metal choir named Captain Boingy and the Boingers and Keith wants to play backup triangle but I'm afraid he doesn't have the right boingatude. Can I let him play and still maintain the integrity of whatever it is we're all about?

I'm starting a death metal choir named Captain Boingy and the Boingers and Keith wants to play backup triangle but I'm afraid he doesn't have the right boingatude. Can I let him play and still maintain the integrity of whatever it is we're all about?

Answer here


Pearl said...

I'm saying "No". Everyone knows Keith is just in it for the chicks and won't show up to practice, and when he shows up at the gigs he'll be wearing only a jockstrap and a monocle. You know how Keith is.


p.s. the link wanted me to go to FB but I said, aww hell naw. No way, man.

Knight said...

No. Obviously not. It's cowbell or nothing and I'm not posting on formspring or whatever the crap that was.

PBS said...

Yes, but he has to only use his fingers on the triangle, no stick.

paul said...

I believe all of your problems will be solved if you change your name to Billy and the Boingers.

High time another Billy & the Boingers album was released.

Grant said...

Pearl - I don't have FB. The link should take you to Formspring, which I highly recommend to everyone as the only truly relevant social networking site for the future.

Knight - MORE COWBELL! That should get us laid.

PBS - it's a worthy compromise considering all the chicks we're sure to get.

messiah - Bloom County is dead. Maybe they can open for Elvis.