Friday, January 22, 2010

Totally useless post #1,300

For this post, I would just like to say that I've had no time to download bunny pics or write up any further Wiiviews and I've watched no movies, but I'm feeling marginally better thanks to exercise and rest and I've had to employ comment moderation as a means of dealing with all the fecking spam that's been hitting my comment boxes lately. I'm doing that in the hopes that I don't have to annoy everyone with word verification or make everyone register with Google before commenting. So, leave a comment so I can test the new feature.


Jay said...

God I fucking hate comment moderation.

There. Is it working?

And just in case that was mean of me, here's a Bunny:

Unknown said...

Okay moderate it!

Grant said...

Jay - it works, but it added so many more steps that I decided it's easier to just delete or ignore the spam. Nice bunny, tho.

Whitemist - too late.

Captain Dumbass said...

Fuckin spammers. I get Chinese porn and Cialis ads in French.

Unknown said...

IMHO word ver would be better keeps the spam away but the commenter instant grat. Yeah all those spam I just ignore for now... but if it gets any worse...

Tracy Lynn said...


Mighty Hunter said...

And.... Here's my insightful comment.

Dr.Alistair said...

i`m glad you are feeling better due to execise.

i will say this now, not to brag, but as a personal example of how exercise adds to qualitiy of life.

i feel fucking great every day because i eat right and exercise and run like hell on the soccer field.

there are times when i get a cold or flu and i feel like shit, and i realise that many people feel that way all the time.

execise is tough. i takes discipline to do things that hurt every day....but i look forward to workouts and sport because it just feels good.

keep it up.

GreenJello said...

I thought you didn't get Chinese spam comments? :)

PBS said...

That's one thing I didn't miss about blogging, all the spam.

Grant said...

Captain Dumbass - everybody gets Asian spam except me.

SJ - if it gets worse I may have to go with word verification, but I'm hoping to avoid that since it's a pain.

Tracy Lynn - you're just bitter because you're old.

Mighty Hunter - insightful response.

dr.alistair - ironically, when my condition flares up, exercise would make it better, but I can't exercise then because it makes me sicker.

GreenJello - I don't remember seeing any hot Chinese spammers, just the usual boring white people.

PBS - the spam to actual comment ratio has usually been good for me.

Robin said...

I feel lost...without the bunnies...

Grant said...

Robin - I promise to bunny more in the future.