Tuesday, November 29, 2005


I have just completed the challenge for NaNoWriMo 2005. In your collective faces, losers. Compare your empty, hollow lives to mine and then kill yourselves. :p


Valkyrie said...


Blondie... said...

You are ever the enigma.


*drinking the "bad koolaid*

May the mothership take me home.


Either way, I'm proud for you.

Leesa said...

Yeah, I blew it. I never even signed up. You have completed a very impressive accomplishment. Good job, Grant. (I can't believe I just said that.)

annush said...


but i am far too much of a wimp to kill myself. can't you come and kill me instead? I'd greatly appreciate it!

Sarcasmo said...

Congrats, Grant.

sands of time said...

Well what can i say.Way to go Grant.Congrats.

Weary Hag said...

Yay mofo. Glad to hear it. Comes as no surprise in the least, but yay just the same.

Now off to endure the remainder of my empty, hollow life (you forgot to mention shallow but it's ok, I've got you covered)