Sunday, August 08, 2004


Stolen from Sublime:

Just for fun, recommend to me:
  1. A movie.
  2. A book.
  3. A musical artist, song, or album.
  4. A blog not on my list of favorite places.
  5. A television show


Laura said...

1. The Wedding Singer
2. The Neverending Story
3. Saves the Day
5. Cribs

Grant said...

Thanks for recommending my own blog, although I think thats tantamount to cheating :). I should have been more specific.

Snaggletooth said...

A movie. - Spaceballs?
A book. Rotten - No Irish, no Blacks, no Dogs - Johny Lydon (what I'm currently reading)
A musical artist, song, or album. - The Damned, "Machine Gun Etiquette" album - a very metal album from a punk band.
A blog not on my list of favorite places. - a very sweet kid going through an awkward 20- something period
A television show - Family Guy??