I got the bestest blogpals a guy could have, barring the fact that none of you have turned out to be hot Asian women. Look what
Jay got me:

Let's just hope he remembered the airholes this time. Petite as they are, the dead ones are beginning to fill my crawlspace.
I remembered the holes in the box, but I'm worried that the sedative I used wasn't enough to keep her asleep long enough. They get so cranky when they wake up in a box riding in a UPS truck like.
'Boxed Bunnies' would be a great mail order bride concept...
so sweet!
Happy VD to you too Grant. That Jay is so sentimental.
Jay is awesome.
Jay is what friendship is all about.
Diggin' the comment above mine.
Happy V-Day!!!!! (a day late, I know). lol
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